(White Rhino Adult & Calf)
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Original 16X20 Oil on Canvas $2800
Please call to Purchase Original 214-649-6913


This was incredible to behold in South Africa when this adorable baby Rhino approached our vehicle on the road, stomping his hoofs as if to say, "Go Away!"  Then he turned around and headed over to a large male Rhino (perhaps his father or uncle) and proceeded to play with him as the adult stayed on the ground tolerating the high-spirited youngster.  This was literally the cutest thing I've ever witnessed in the wild.  My camera was on fire!  NEILL

About Giclee Editions on Canvas:

Giclee (pronounced Zhee-KLAY) is a sophisticated, cutting-edge reproduction process which provides for the highest quality fine art presentation of an original painting on canvas with rich long lasting color.  Giclee Editions are shipped as rolled canvases in appropriate mailing tubes or triangular boxes. *Certain Giclee Editions are expressed as Kubwa (Swahili word for Large canvas size) and Dogo (Swahili word for Small canvas size).